Wednesday, January 12, 2005
What's Broke in Harwell Village?
The Parish Council have to rely upon sites like this to ensure that they are doing anything for the community. We cannot see a single policy or action undertaken by the Parish Council that they have thought of themselves. They need this site to tell them what to do. They need this site to tell them what is wrong. And, as some have said, they need this site to improve their morality.
The public face of the Parish Council is a prison building - and yes, it was this unelected Parish Council that boarded up its own offices. The Parish Council office is now a steel clad magnet for vandals. What a waste of our money and what a great image this Parish Council portrays to our community - boarded up, closed, and cheap.
The Play facilities for Children are poor quality, and there is nothing for older kids.
The play facilities used to be a key attraction for the village, now no-one comes here to use them as they are bordering on dangerous. Why are they not updated? The facilities for older Children look like they were created by randomly on a whim without understanding the real requirements of the village. The BMX track typifies this – no one knew it was there and it serviced one or two children in our village. Do these people represent you?
Out of Touch and Backward Thinking.
Harwell Parish Council do not have email or publish their minutes electronically; we have the worlds worst bus shelters that do nothing to improve the village and the value of the houses; and everything Parish Council provided service is cheap, nasty and of little real value. Do these people represent you?
The people of the Parish are not allowed to voice opinions to the Parish Council.
Councillors are accountable for their actions – so why can't the people of the Parish speak in meetings? They openly block your right to speak or ask questions in meetings, and refuse to answer any questions from members of the Parish. Do these people represent you?
Contracts awarded to friends and family of the Councillors.
We should ban any contract with friends and family of the Councillors. This will help stop corruption and keep the Councillors focused to best value for the people of the Parish; and remove any thought of Empire Building. Do these people represent you?
Sound proofing from the A34 is not important.
The Parish Council have very poor relations with the new Didcot development, and have forgotten to protect the village from sound and other pollution. With the new development a huge fence on the Didcot side will bounce sound back into Harwell. Do these people represent you?
Have you noticed that there are no buses any more? This might be due to the very very poor quality bus shelters, but it more likely that correctly lobbying would keep these services going. Do these people represent you?
Harwell is the only village to receive no re-development of facilities from the Didcot Development.
The Parish Council are so poor at doing their job, that they have not secured a single concession on the Didcot Development. Harwell is the only village in the development area that does not have any re-development of run-down facilities as part of the Didcot Development project. Why are they not looking to nock-down the iron clad and heavily vandalised village pavilion, for something more in-keeping with the village and the area? Do these people represent you?
What is being done to develop Harwell's business community?
There is no parking anywhere on the High Street, where do people park to shop? The passing trade should be a boom for Harwell's Shops, but is not. Overflow Parking from the Architect's successful business spills onto road junctions. What incentives are there to create business in our community? Do these people represent you?