Tuesday, February 01, 2005
I'll get him with my wagging tongue
Lets clear up two things on this site as they are important and will stop a lot of lies:
Emma Hollister (the now ex-Parish Council Clerk) who has been complaining to the Parish Council Chairman about verbal and other abuse from many of the current unelected Parish Councillors has finally been forced out of her administrative position in the Parish Council.
In what some might see as either a mass outbreak of forgetfulness, and others as collusion, the Parish Chairman and a few of the strutting B listers removed her from her position for misconduct. All because she sent an email, and the B listers 'forgot' that they asked her to do so. No honestly - thats was it - they are pathetic.
And of course there are no surprises that in a totally biased and not-in-our-communities-best-interests move, Jim Mulford and June Blissett's friend has taken over the position. The new clerk is of course the old clerk - well the one before Emma Hollister. She left several years ago in a tantrum over working conditions. But now, for the moment at least, she is back.
We have asked Emma to write a document for this web site, and we hope she does - it is always good to see the truth and not hear the lies.
And finally for today, we applaud our sponsor who is under constant verbal threat from the ever wagging tongue of June Blissett and the B-list gang. The 'I'll get him' attitude of the few show just how much they have to hide.