Friday, February 18, 2005
Parish Cllr Jim Mulford uses Council Staff and Equipment to help friends
Following the collapse of the wall at Rosemead Cottage on the High Street on the 8th Feb 2005, Councillor Jim Mulford used Parish Council ground staff and equipment to help remove the debris and tidy up.
There would normally be no issue here, and we would think 'what a nice thing to do', except that this is Jim Mulford's friend, and we have no evidence to suggest that assistance has been offered to anyone else in the Parish. Clearly some people see Jim's assistance and reallocation of Parish Council staff and equipment as an irresponsible use of our money to help his friends.
One can only speculate if this sort of activity has led to the increased cost of the Parish Council this year.
This is the second incident where we have reported 'friends' of Jim Mulford gaining preferential treatment - the appointment of Jim Mulfords friend as Parish Council clerk (without as far as we can see any advertising for the post) being the first. Many in the Parish question Jim Mulfords ethics, and see this type of action as the cause.
This could be a mistake though, and Parish Councillor Jim Mulford may be honestly looking to help all members of the Parish. We would like to see his plans for this (and we will certainly be looking through the Parish Council minutes for any cost recovery or admission of a conflict of interests from Jim Mulford), but in the mean time please feel free to contact him on 01235 835500 (number taken from the Harwell Parish notice board). Do not hold your breath though as we have already heard from people who have been turned down by Jim.