Sunday, April 17, 2005
General Election
This month its time for the General Election in the UK where we vote for our member of parliament. The next Prime Minister is decided by these elections. This month's blog has been provided by villager emails and have not been edited.
"k - i can understand where ur site is comming from. u r in a tory area with a good margin, but the last tory we had defected to labour. i have seen a lot of labour posters about and no tory ones. u will again have to rely on old people and r stuck in the past."
Reply: Perhaps you are right. It is true that the majority of the Conservative Party are 50+ and I'm sure that must sway the direction of the Party line, but I don't think that the cumulative knowledge of the senior generation should be thrown away and ignored. By the very nature, this group of people have 'been there and done that'. Their knowledge is important and they help reduce any momentary 'fad' or 'whim' from changing our society and political base radically. This is a good thing and brings us stability.
"it must be difficult 4 ya as the labour party has certainly taken the traditional centre ground leaving u with nowt but radical moves backwards."
Reply: Tony Blair does seem to occupy the centre right ground to people - specifically in his explanation of policies - but the stealth introduction of socialist ways will continue to damage our country. I think this 'Conservative' facade that Tony Blair uses will be destroyed when Gordon Brown gets closer to power. His clear and open socialist approach will be too blatant for middle England and the Conservative party will gain the lead back quickly.
"gordon has done so much for the country. he has put our economy back on track and we are seen as leaders in europe. he is clearly the leader of the future and someone that most people now trust. how do the conservatives think that they can be trusted following years of corruption?"