Sunday, May 01, 2005


Win/Loose Loose/Loose Loose/Win?

One can't help thinking that the stuffy old Parish Council have yet again put themselves in a very embarrassing position. They have done what they could to remove the old Parish Clerk and the battle has gone to the court and an employment tribunal. From what we hear, Mrs Hollister (now ex-Clerk) has won every step of the way and that June Blisset and Stuart Lilly (the chief architect's of Mrs Hollisters removal) have been backing down and running scared. We have also been led to believe that the employment tribunal threw out the Parish Council's claim's against Mrs Hollister and that it's now just a fight for the amount of compensation.

Stuart Lilly you'll remember has been embattled since joining the Parish Council with blunder after blunder. He has recently taken the vice-Chair of the Parish Council. One could even assume that June Blissett knows she is going down and is looking to place some of the blame onto an obviously gullible fall-guy.

So now it seems that June Blisset and Stuart Lilly have no where to go with the issue on the treatment of Mrs Hollister. It must have cost thousands of our money for them to defend their own little empires and actions, and there is no doubt that it will cost many thousands more – either in legal fee's or in a huge settlement fee. This could well cost the Parish one third of it's annual budget. As one member of the community commented 'That's a lot of our money to spend on one of their friends'.

Most of you know Hugh is very ill at the moment and unable to edit content on the site. I'm sure 'local' is aware of this and whilst the Parish Council and the people who are in the debt of the Parish Council seem to enjoy making light of this situation, we do not.

You are cowardly and immoral people.
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