Thursday, January 05, 2006


Can anyone answer this?

We've had an email from someone with a few questions about the village. If you have any answers please email us.

Question 1: I am researching my family tree and came across the village name of Harwell Entity? is this the same Village?

Answer: we can't seem to find any reference to this as anything to do with our Harwell, but if anyone knows better please email us.

Question 2: I also believe that the family of Dearlove lived in King Street are you able to confirm any of this or indeed is there any way I can search parish
records on line. And is it possible that anyone still lives in the village by the name of Dearlove?

Answer: We do have a family in the village named Dearlove and very nice people they are too. You should be able to find out more from the Electorial Role. We can't find an email address for the Dearloves, so if the Dearloves want to pursue this contact please drop us an email.

Yes, Arthur Dearlove used to live in the house I now live in down Kings Lane. He died about 2 years ago.
also there is a Daerlove who live at Loder Road email address
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